Tech Tab Error When Interacting with Player Tab

Sample scenario: 6 MP Age of Discovery.biq (custom rules and players)

  1. Go to Tech tab. Don't need to do anything.
  2. Go to Player tab. Don't need to do anything.
  3. Go to the Tech tab. Reorder Banking to be earlier.

Expected: Works! Actual: Unexpected error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at java.util.ArrayList.elementData(ArrayList.java:422) at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435) at com.civfanatics.civ3.xplatformeditor.PLYRTab.refreshSelectedIndices(PLYRTab.java:1238)

Confirmed on Windows 8/JDK 8 and OS X/Java 9.

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6 years ago
4 years ago
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~adj 4 years ago

Turns out that there is no functional impact, as this error (and another case when deleting the tech) occurs at the very end of the tech-to-do-list, and the player tab always refreshes the starting tech list when switched to anyway. Cleaned it up anyway, since it looks alarming and isn't great behavior; also cleaned up a bunch of sysouts relating to drag-and-drop while I was at it.

~adj 4 years ago

Fixed in 1.29.

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