macOS - Integration Doesn't Work Anymore

Several years ago I added a Macify library that allowed integrating the application better with OS X. Things like menu bar support, mainly.

This was all well and good, until a couple years back when Apple deprecated that support, and it stopped working. No one complained, however, so I didn't know about it till I read about new Java 9 features yesterday and saw "these replace deprecated Apple eawt functions". Sure enough, the integrated menus aren't integrated anymore! As far as I can tell, they must have broke with Java 8, and thus been broken for quite awhile since Java 8 has been required since version 0.99.

Also noteworthy is that all the shortcuts are still Ctrl on Mac, when to integrate properly they should be Command. This probably has never been the case, although maybe it was when eawt still worked - I don't have a good way to check right now.

This may not get done for awhile if it really does require Java 9, because that would mean either dropping support for older operating systems (most notably Windows XP, which is still in use and is where I have my mobile development environment set up), or maintaining two parallel builds, like the Legacy branch. I could conceivably say, "Java 9 gets updated every 5/10 releases, or twice a year", but it would be nice not to have to do that.

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~adj 4 years ago

More info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8955638/how-do-i-move-my-jmenubar-to-the-screen-menu-bar-on-mac-os-x

Basically, it might work if a property is set early enough, and it might work with a launcher (sigh...). Or an application bundle could be created... but that's going to have to be something automatable to be worth it.

The command/ctrl thing, and having the right name in the menu bar, should be doable though. Sadly, the rest, including the icon, probably will need some integration that has not been very stable over time.

~adj 4 years ago

Set release

~adj 4 years ago

Fixed all these up tonight, and opened additional issues for remaining items where I noticed shortcomings while testing on OS X. Ctrl/command is fixed, the Dock icon is fixed, the application name is fixed, the menu bar is fixed when Aqua is used (not setting to the default yet due to #154), Preferences is set as the Preferences handler (About still worked for About)

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