Ticket created by ~akagi on ~look/cargo2guix
Hi, thanks for this amazing project. Some packages from Cargo.lock for lapce were ignored because the name begins with a capital letter.
Ticket created by ~akagi on ~gqt72soz/test-tracker
;; FIXME: cursor is not counted, only the first page
Ticket created by ~akagi on ~gqt72soz/test-tracker
(message "Ticket submitted.") (message "%s" _r)))
Ticket created by ~akagi on ~gqt72soz/test-tracker
Strongly encouraged for the user to limit the scope of access that is provided by an authentication token. Currently srht-git.el requires at least REPOSITORIES, PROFILE scopes for git.sr.ht. When creating an oauth2 token, you can select scopes from the "Limit scope of access grant" menu.
Ticket created by ~akagi on ~gqt72soz/test-tracker
To store the token use
, the host must be set to git.sr.ht.
Ticket created by ~akagi on ~gqt72soz/test-tracker
Create a list from SUBJECT, DESCRIPTION.