I’m using latest version and, after following instructions and creating oauth and oauth2, I’m unable to create, delete or update projects.
The error message I get is
Error running timer ‘plz--respond’: (error "Unkown error with status 403: #s(plz-error nil #s(plz-response 2 403 ((server . "nginx") (date
Any idea ? I’m using defaults when creating oauth and oauth2.
Hi, thanks for the bug report, when creating oauth2 token you need to select at least REPOSITORIES, PROFILE scopes for git.sr.ht from the "Limit scope of access grant" menu. I will add more details about this in the README. I also fixed another bug, please update and check.
I've also updated the README.
Hi, thanks for the bug report, when creating oauth2 toeken you need to select at least REPOSITORIES, PROFILE scopes for git.sr.ht from the "Select access grants" menu. I will add more details about this in the README. I also fixed another bug, please update and check.
Thanks ! Updated and tested. I works much better now.
When using git, I just got a timeout warning once
(plz-curl-error "Curl error" #s(plz-error :curl-error (28 . "Operation timeout.") :response nil :message nil))
Now, when using paste-region, I systematically have this error
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil) srht--else(#s(plz-error :curl-error (28 . "Operation timeout.") :response nil :message nil)) plz--respond(#<process plz-request-curl> #<buffer *plz-request-curl*> "exited abnormally with code 28\n") apply(plz--respond (#<process plz-request-curl> #<buffer *plz-request-curl*> "exited abnormally with code 28\n")) timer-event-handler([t 25939 10962 680166 nil plz--respond (#<process plz-request-curl> #<buffer *plz-request-curl*> "exited abnormally with code 28\n") nil 538000 nil])
No issue with paste-delete, though.
First, let's start with srht-paste. Please complete these steps:
- M-x trace-function srht-create RET
- M-x trace-function srht-retrive RET
- M-x trace-function srht-paste-region RET
- Select one word on buffer
- M-x srht-paste-region
- Send here trace-output
First, let's start with srht-paste. Please complete these steps:
- M-x trace-function srht-create RET
- M-x trace-function srht-retrive RET
- M-x trace-function srht-paste-region RET
- Select one word on buffer
- M-x srht-paste-region
- Send here trace-output
Here you have
Try to set plz-connect-timeout:
(setopt plz-connect-timeout 10)Both errors are caused by curl timeout. The error with srht-git I was able to reproduce on the newly launched emacs. the srht-paste-region error is not reproducible on my machine.
Great, that fixed the issue !
Thanks again for this lovely piece on code, and looking forward for new commands ... and new tags for packaging under guix.
Ok, I'm closing the bug report then. I will add a tag with the 0.4 release, hopefully soon.