
#212 Consider distinguishing behavior of hyperdrive-open when called on writable and non-writable hyperdrives 2 months ago

hyperdrive.el added by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

#212 Consider distinguishing behavior of hyperdrive-open when called on writable and non-writable hyperdrives 2 months ago

Ticket created by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

While testing the behavior of hyperdrive-open (and hyperdrive-open-url) when called on URLs to non-existent files, I noticed that, when the URL points to a writable hyperdrive (i.e. one's own hyperdrive), rather than showing a message about the URL pointing to a non-existent file, a buffer is opened for the file (i.e. like calling find-file on a non-existent filename). This feels slightly unintuitive, as it seems like hyperdrive-open-url ought to behave more like a Web browser, in that it should signal an error if the URL points to a non-existent file; i.e. it seems to me that hyperdrive-find-file and hyperdrive-open-url ought to behave differently when trying to open non-existent files. To put it another way, this behavior makes it sometimes feel non-obvious whether a filename actually exists on one's own hyperdrive, as it makes it harder to distinguish the case of opening an existent vs. non-existent filename.

#200 Add downloading indicator for h/install 5 months ago

~alphapapa assigned ~alphapapa to #200 on ~ushin/ushin

#198 EWW buffers marked as modified 5 months ago

~alphapapa assigned ~alphapapa to #198 on ~ushin/ushin

#170 Add lisp command to install hyper-gateway 5 months ago

Comment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

On Joseph's system, this doesn't always work without the improvements made to plz in the yet-to-be-released v0.9.


#187 Fix error in process sentinel: Selecting deleted buffer 5 months ago

Comment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin


#192 hyperdrive-hyperdrives getting erased 5 months ago

Comment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

AFAICT this was likely caused by our sometimes using unload-feature, et al, and this problem does not happen outside of using that. Since that's not really a supported workflow in Emacs, it can't be considered a bug in persist, so this should be safe to consider resolved.


#178 Safely load Org remote resources 5 months ago

0.5.0 added by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

#178 Safely load Org remote resources 5 months ago

wish removed by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin

#178 Safely load Org remote resources 5 months ago

0.4.0 removed by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin