~alphapapa assigned ~alphapapa to #200 on ~ushin/ushin
~alphapapa assigned ~alphapapa to #198 on ~ushin/ushin
Comment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin
On Joseph's system, this doesn't always work without the improvements made to
in the yet-to-be-released v0.9.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDComment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin
RESOLVED NOT_OUR_BUGComment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin
AFAICT this was likely caused by our sometimes using
, et al, and this problem does not happen outside of using that. Since that's not really a supported workflow in Emacs, it can't be considered a bug inpersist
, so this should be safe to consider resolved.
RESOLVED INVALIDComment by ~alphapapa on ~ushin/ushin
Decided: We're going to require Org 9.7.3.
Item 2 above appears to be working already, but we should reverify after doing item 1.
Item 1 can probably be safely deferred until v0.5, when we add support for magic file name handlers.