Messages not received

I'm not sure what's happening when I run jmms --get. This is what it says (after I replaced the query strings in the URLs with ... — I'm not sure if they contain sensitive info):

mobian@mobian:~$ jmms/jmms --get

1 messages in "receiving" state
1 messages in "received" state - fetching...
Attempting to get message numbers: ["0"]
(ExitFailure 8,"","--2021-10-05 17:40:18--  http://elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc?T=...\nResolving elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com (elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com)...\nConnecting to elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com (elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com)||:80... connected.\nHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 308 Unknown\nLocation: https://elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc?T=... [following]\n--2021-10-05 17:40:18--  https://elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc?T=...\nConnecting to elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com (elgmmsget.msg.eng.t-mobile.com)||:443... connected.\nHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request\n2021-10-05 17:40:19 ERROR 400: Bad Request.\n\n")
add sms/sms-2021100523401851926316-0.dat
(recording state in git...)
[master e0a345e] autosave
 Committer: mobian <mobian@mobian.lan>
Your name and email address were configured automatically based
on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.
You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly. Run the
following command and follow the instructions in your editor to edit
your configuration file:

    git config --global --edit

After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with:

    git commit --amend --reset-author

 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 120000 sms/sms-2021100523401851926316-0.dat
attempted to get: ["0"]
successes: []
Notifying: "jmms: 1 messages not received"
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/purple/receive.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Stereo

It seems that every time I run jmms --get it says the same thing, i.e. it gets the same messages, because I always end up with another message in my msg-data/sms folder. When I try to read these files with cat or less the output is mostly indecipherable. jmms --read isn't much more helpful, it just says "Up to date!"

I'll try to ask more specific questions but obviously I have no idea what's going on here:

  1. What is "receiving" vs "received"?
  2. Can a message be stuck in "receiving"? Is this what people mean by a "clogged" modem?
  3. If a message is already "received", why does jmms attempt to, er, receive it?
  4. Why does it fail to get the message?
  5. Why do I keep getting the same messages? Are they floating around in the ether?
  6. How do I read these files that end up in my sms folder?

I'm pretty sure I can ignore the noise from git. It's just complaining that I haven't configured my user name and email.

I have no mobile data through my carrier (talk and text only). Is that a problem?

Assigned to
3 years ago
3 years ago
No labels applied.

~amindfv 3 years ago

I have no mobile data through my carrier (talk and text only). Is that a problem?

This seems like it might be a problem; the way MMS works is an SMS is sent containing a URL where the MMS data can be downloaded. Depending on how literal your carrier is about no data plan, this could stop you from getting the messages.

Are you running jmms with wifi enabled? Can you try with wifi turned off and report back if it works?

To answer your other questions:

What is "receiving" vs "received"?

These terms come from ModemManager. Receiving, in general, is somewhere in the vague state before being fully received.

Can a message be stuck in "receiving"?

Yes, though often this doesn't indicate a problem, i.e. a missing message. Restarting the phone will get rid of these.

Is this what people mean by a "clogged" modem?

I think generally a clogged modem is messages in "received" state that the SMS app (e.g. Chatty) doesn't know what to do with, eventually blocking receipt of other SMS messages.

If a message is already "received", why does jmms attempt to, er, receive it?

When it's in "received" it means we've received the SMS with the URL to the MMS; jmms then gets the linked MMS and parses it.

Why does it fail to get the message?

Usually it's because the web request is going via wifi instead of via the user's data plan. I haven't yet had reports of a user without a data plan; I'm not sure what happens in that scenario.

Why do I keep getting the same messages? Are they floating around in the ether?

jmms will keep trying to download the MMS until it succeeds.

How do I read these files that end up in my sms folder?

The files in the SMS folder are generally just URLs; the interesting bit is in the linked data. If you do want to parse them for some reason, though, check out getURL in jmms.hs (it's not very sophisticated)

I'm pretty sure I can ignore the noise from git. It's just complaining that I haven't configured my user name and email.

Yes, that's right. You can git config --local for user.email and user.name if you just want to silence the messages.

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