Good evening! I'd just like to submit my personal website into your webring. :) I am hosting a webring of my own and have gone ahead and added you to it so the others visiting my site can more easily discover your webring.
My Website: Fediverse Account: Fediring Link Location:
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing the verdict!
All the best,
Aevisia @ TheCozy.Cat
P.S. I originally attempted to email this submission, but got an 'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender' response the reads:
'host[] said: 550 HTML emails are not permitted on SourceHut'
The email does not seem to be working. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up!
Fediring Link Location:
Per, the links do need to be on your home page. Aside from that, everything looks good; let us know when you've moved them and we'll get you added :)
P.S. I originally attempted to email this submission, but got an 'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender' response the reads:
'host[] said: 550 HTML emails are not permitted on SourceHut'
The email does not seem to be working. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up!
The address does work, but the email you tried to send was HTML; as the error says, HTML emails aren't permitted on SourceHut. The fediring website does mention that plaintext emails are required and links to a site that explains why and gives some recommendations for getting that set up :)
Cheers o/
I've gone ahead and added it to the webrings section at the bottom of the homepage. :) Thanks so much again!
Aevisia @ TheCozy.Cat
You do need to replace "" with your website's domain, "".
OH geez so sorry haha I thought I had done that already! It should be all fixed now. :) Thank you for your patience.
Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 49ac99e.
You've been added!
Hey amolith, I couldn't find a button for the Fediring. I'm not sure if you guys have one already but if not, I made one for my own site to display the ring. If you like it, you're welcome to use it or put it up for others to use in their rings. :)
Have a great evening and thanks again!
It's been added :)