Implement pagination

Loading a few thousand URLs into memory, spitting them into an HTML template, and loading that page in a browser is incredibly inefficient; the load time is insane and the page is massive.

Each page should only show 100 URLs.

Assigned to
2 years ago
2 years ago

~amolith 2 years ago


  • Create read() function that accepts start, end, and count arguments indicating what the last item is (implying forward iteration) or what the first item is (implying reverse iteration) and how many entries should be returned

#Web UI

  • Add pageStart, pageEnd, and pageItemCount URL queries to root() for passing to read() as start, end, and count values.
  • Add templated forward/backward buttons that pass pageStart, pageEnd, and pageItemCount to the backend as URL queries.


  • Add URL queries to /read path that pass start, end, and count values to read() which returns a JSON blob of the requested data.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 622b36b.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 7564d54.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit eb7e22b.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit aa07589.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 226986a.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 8428c70.

~amolith 2 years ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 2a59e83.

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