Detect project details given URL

  • If the URL ends in an extension, like .git or .atom, treat as that extension.
  • If no extension or ending in /, check against known hostnames first. If any match, skip the rest and treat as that forge. If no match, fetch the page's metadata and detect the likely-self-hosted forge based on known self-hostable forge characteristics.
    • SourceHut is the only forge that currently implements VCS Autodiscovery.
    • Forgejo has <link>s to the .atom and .rss feeds ,though they're for all repo activity.
    • Etc.

Prefer RSS sources if the detected forge has any. Git should be the fallback, unless the user indicates they'd prefer git in that project's settings.

Detect and store as many sources as possible so the user can swap between those sources using radio selectors from the project's settings page.

Allow a project to remain unconfigured, in case we can't detect anything and need the user to provide everything.

Allow the user to override the detected forge type and queue a re-fetch.

Assigned to
4 months ago
4 months ago
backend enhancement v0.0.1

~adrinux 4 months ago

I was pondering the usability of the current forge selection form, particularly concerning Codeberg, where a user has to know that Codeberg is built on Forgejo to make the right choice. Auto-selection of forge based on URL would address that nicely.

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