Format frontend source

Prettier seems like a logical solution to me, but I'm open to arguments against. I integrated it and prettier-plugin-go-template with another project earlier today and it seems to work fairly well.

Assigned to
2 months ago
a month ago
enhancement frontend v0.0.1

~adrinux 2 months ago

Prettier is a logical choice, no argument there. But it has options to control the formatting and that's where personal preferences and argument can creep in :)

It's also useful to have editors do the formatting whilst coding so configuring Prettier via an .editorconfig would be nice.

~amolith 2 months ago

it has options to control the formatting and that's where personal preferences and argument can creep in :)

Hah I intended to just leave all of prettier's settings at default, aside from the plugin ;)

It's also useful to have editors do the formatting whilst coding so configuring Prettier via an .editorconfig would be nice.

I see that prettier respects style settings from an editorconfig, but nothing about making it aware of plugins or configuring those plugins. Is it just the styling aspect you're referring to, or did I miss some docs?

~amolith REPORTED IMPLEMENTED a month ago

Amolith referenced this ticket in commit 8cbd018.

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