Touchscreen support

I know that you might already know these things, I was actually looking at pywm (https://github.com/jbuchermn/pywm/blob/829a3ae963b27db7fe4a3022854a9e6f8bf1fd41/src/wm/wm_seat.c#L160), it seems that it simply ignores touchscreen devices, while hyprland (which has a good touchscreen support) uses a simple approach that could be easily implemented I guess, https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/blob/896a78aaa0bb2e4d4f197ed1286c4f030dbaef5f/src/events/Devices.cpp#L73 https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/blob/896a78aaa0bb2e4d4f197ed1286c4f030dbaef5f/src/managers/input/InputManager.cpp#L1313

What is your thought on this? I may can help in the implementation too.

Assigned to
1 year, 6 months ago
7 months ago
status: WIP

~atha 1 year, 6 months ago

Hey ~sesajad, Touchscreen is an active goal for this fork, but it is very WIP and should be in pywm-atha soon. I didn't see Hyrpland's implementation, so thank you for bringing to my attention. I'll push the initial implementation ASAP, and let you know. On your offer to help, Thank you very much, and I'll get back to you shortly, just after I finish the basic implementation and push it.

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