
When your pocket DDoSes peanutbutter! Device gets warm and battery drains while it doesnt go back to suspend.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Turn device on while on suspend.
  • insert back in pocket and make sure it is pressed against your.
  • resume a normal life.

-> a high number of inputs will be registered, thus triggering the red screen of no-input.

-> if -p option has been used, red time will increase over time

-> device doesnt go back to suspend.

suggested solution:

  • when in "red" mode, time should be counted as idle, and after a while device goes back to sleep. (when resuming, the timer of the red mode is either resumed -better- or reset -easiest-)

another suggested solution:

  • one click on power is just "screen on"
  • 2nd click on power activates input to unlock peanubutter
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