


Last active 2 years ago

#69 fill color for cell decorator 1 year, 11 months ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

is set_fill_color / with_fill_color for FrameCellDecorator implemented? If yes, can you please share a sample?

#38 Support rounded corners for frames 1 year, 11 months ago

Comment by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

is set_fill_color / with_fill_color for FrameCellDecorator implemented? If yes, can you please share a sample

#68 Images with an alpha channel are not supported 1 year, 11 months ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Is there any workaround to print images in pdf with alpha channel?

#67 Use TableLayout in set_header 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Is there any way to use TableLayout as callback in set_header? I'm getting "unused Result that must be used #[warn(unused_must_use)] on by default this Result may be an Err variant, which should be handled", when i try to handle it with match arms, unable to handle Error. Please suggest

#66 Clone TableLayout Element 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Is there any feasibility to clone TableLayout element? I have a use case to re use the table

#62 Do we have option to set fill color for framed element? 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Have a requirement to fill the background color of a paragraph with red color background and font as black. Please suggest if we have any

#61 Can we have option to render elements horizontally in linear layout 2 years ago

Comment by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Got it. I will surely use table layout. But having horizontal option at linear layout is very helpful in future releases.

Thanks for your quick response.

#61 Can we have option to render elements horizontally in linear layout 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~bharath412 on ~ireas/genpdf-rs

Currently vertical option is very helpful on linear layout. But side by side is not possible with it, can we have that option?