One Push to rule them all, one Pull to find them, one Merge to bring them all and in the Repo bind them.
See https://sr.ht/~boehs/boehs for smaller projects
Thank you for looking into this ~boehs.
And then you have your media, and then I basically gave up and then decided to just find another article that wasn’t behind the paywall :)
This has basically been my conclusion also. I'm not feeling super motivated to scrape google's cache.
It doesn't help that I view Scribe as a last resort. Basically, don't read Medium articles, but if you have to, use Scribe.
Comment by ~boehs on ~edwardloveall/Scribe
I’m playing with this but
The google web cache has full access to member only stories
This works well, with the small issue that some media is not loaded
To load media, a query is made to https://medium.com/_/graphql. Nobody would like it if I wrote out the full query, but the relevant bit is
fullContent(postMeteringOptions: $postMeteringOptions) { isLockedPreviewOnly validatedShareKey bodyModel { ...PostBody_bodyModel __typename }
I have not yet looked into
- If the media response is limited
- What toggling isLockedPreviewOnly does
But anyway you get back something like
{ "id": "327d9b7b7434_17", "name": "9081", "iframe": { "mediaResource": { "id": "f1260d3bac688acd376fdf733d116148", }, "__typename": "Iframe" }, },
- Depending on the media type. In the case of an iframe, you then need to go make another query based on that id, in this case it’s https://medium.com/media/f1260d3bac688acd376fdf733d116148
And then you have your media, and then I basically gave up and then decided to just find another article that wasn’t behind the paywall :)
Ticket created by ~boehs on ~boehs/srht-patches
Ticket created by ~boehs on ~boehs/srht-patches
19:40:28 <dhruvin> builds.sr.ht checks out a particular commit in a build job; in response to a push to git.sr.ht repository. How do I get what branch was that commit pushed to? (`git branch --show-current` does not work) 20:34:18 <alderwick> dhruvin: in my case I wanted to skip a build step if we're not building the main branch, so I have the line “if [ "$(cd uxn && git rev-parse HEAD)" != "$(cd uxn && git rev-parse origin/main)" ]; then exit; fi” in my .build.yml 20:38:27 <dhruvin> I used [ "$(cat .git/HEAD)" != "$(cat .git/refs/heads/master)" ] as a workaround, but yours will work with non-detached HEAD as well. I'll change mine to that. Thanks.
Ticket created by ~boehs on ~boehs/srht-patches
On builds we get an svg for an X or an O, depending if the task succeeds. Is it possible to have something like <img alt...> for those?
Via rkta on irc
Comment by ~boehs on ~boehs/site
Evan Boehs referenced this ticket in commit d76b47a.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDComment by ~boehs on ~boehs/site
34964c2 did not fix it
Comment by ~boehs on ~boehs/site
Evan Boehs referenced this ticket in commit 34964c2.