Other independent wikis besides NIWA

Will add more as I discover them or other people suggest them.

Assigned to
2 years ago
9 months ago
No labels applied.

~goshat 2 years ago

Hi, I'd like to suggest adding Terraria and Calamity Mod's official Wiki.gg pages, which can be found here:

~dxl44 2 years ago*

Hi, to add to the comment above - I've assembled a complete list of (hopefully) all wiki.gg wikis that were formerly on Fandom. All of them are official as well, unlike the Fandom counterparts. Maybe it would be worth specifying in the box for these wikis and the ones above that they are official alongside that they're forked?

Show list

https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/ARK_Survival_Evolved_Wiki - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

https://aether.wiki.gg/wiki/Aether_Wiki - Aether Mod Wiki

https://chivalry.wiki.gg/wiki/Chivalry_Wiki - Chivarly II Wiki (Note: the attribution says it takes material from both the Fandom Chivalry: Medieval

Warfare Wiki and Fandom Chivalry 2 Wiki)

https://coromon.wiki.gg/wiki/Coromon_Wiki - Coromon Wiki

https://cosmoteer.wiki.gg/wiki/Cosmoteer_Wiki - Cosmoteer Wiki

https://darkdeity.wiki.gg/wiki/Dark_Deity_Wiki - Dark Deity Wiki

https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Deep_Rock_Galactic_Wiki - Deep Rock Galactic Wiki

https://dreamscaper.wiki.gg/wiki/Dreamscaper_Wiki - Dreamscaper Wiki

https://fiendfolio.wiki.gg/wiki/Fiend_Folio_Wiki - Fiend Folio Wiki

https://forgottenfables.wiki.gg/wiki/Forgotten_Fables_Wiki - The Binding of Isaac: Forgotten Fables

https://haveanicedeath.wiki.gg/wiki/Have_a_Nice_Death_Wiki - Have a Nice Death Wiki

https://legiontd2.wiki.gg/wiki/Legion_TD_2_Wiki - Legion TD 2 Wiki

https://noita.wiki.gg/wiki/Noita_Wiki - Noita Wiki

https://projectarrhythmia.wiki.gg/wiki/Project_Arrhythmia_Wiki - Project Arrhythmia Wiki

https://sandsofaura.wiki.gg/wiki/Sands_of_Aura_Wiki - Sands of Aura Wiki

https://sonsoftheforest.wiki.gg/wiki/Sons_of_the_Forest_Wiki - Sons of the Forest Wiki

https://steamworld.wiki.gg/wiki/SteamWorld_Wiki - SteamWorld Wiki

https://temtem.wiki.gg/wiki/Temtem_Wiki - Temtem Wiki

https://tboiepiphany.wiki.gg/wiki/TBOI:_The_Epiphany_Mod_Wiki - The Binding of Isaac: Epiphany Wiki

https://tboirevelations.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Binding_of_Isaac:_Revelations_Wiki - The Binding of Isaac: Revelations Wiki

https://thoriummod.wiki.gg/wiki/Thorium_Mod_Wiki - Thorium Mod Wiki

https://totherescue.wiki.gg/wiki/To_The_Rescue!_Wiki - To the Rescue Wiki

https://undermine.wiki.gg/wiki/UnderMine_Wiki - UnderMine Wiki

https://willyousnail.wiki.gg/wiki/Will_You_Snail_Wiki - Will You Snail? Wiki

Hope this helps out!

~spar-kie 2 years ago*

Hey! I saw this tool and I think it's very good! Just wanted to suggest some redirects that I'm personally aware of

https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page -> https://combineoverwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page

https://teamfortress.fandom.com/wiki/Team_Fortress_Wiki - > https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Main_Page

~alex4401 2 years ago

ARK Wiki admin here: thank you for the tool but we'll gladly appreciate if a notice about our migration to wiki.gg will be added.

List above lacks a few more wikis as far as I can tell, so please also redirect to:

~cadence 2 years ago

~alex4401 Hi, thanks for reaching out! Would you like to provide a short 1-2 paragraph blurb with background on your wiki (and optionally why/when it left Fandom) similar to the descriptions on https://www.niwanetwork.org/members/ ? If you do I'd be happy to add your words to the site, otherwise I'll put together something from the existing prose on your wiki's front page.

If you're able to reach out to the wiki.gg team to let them know about the BreezeWiki project and ask if they want a consistent wording for the redirection notice for all wiki.gg wikis, I'd REALLY appreciate that! You can either reply to this public thread or privately email cadence@disroot.org when you have a response. Stay cool.

~rainofthestorm 2 years ago*

~cadence Noita Wiki admin here -- would y'all be able to add a similar migration notice/redirect for the Noita Wiki as well?

You can reuse any of our existing copy from the original migration notice talk page here: https://noita.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Noita_Wiki/migration_to_wiki.gg

~alex4401 2 years ago

~cadence Left a note in the wiki.gg Discord about this thread (I asked one of the staff prior to that and was told to do so).

For ARK: this will be probably slightly annoying, but whatever you write is fine. Our reasons (at the time of talking with Studio Wildcard regarding the move):

  • excessive or inappropriate advertisements,
  • Gamepedia platform features getting removed or restricted with no notice,
  • platform bugs remaining broken for extended periods of time,
  • things like quizzes and featured videos being enforced (happened after we moved, but we've been asked to help with creating some quizzes a few months ahead),
  • Gamepedia staff getting fired (= no support people who know how to work with the platform)
  • and my favourite: being unable to launch new translations anymore as "both platforms are on-par in terms of functionality" - took several months to sort out the Thai wiki and I'm not sure if that'd be possible again. By extent, this is also "poor prospects for ARK 2 wiki cause no Cargo [...]".

~alex4401 2 years ago

Added overnight:

~mr_pie_5 2 years ago

Hi, I've worked with the Elder Scrolls Fandom folks before, and would just like to caution that that wiki vs uesp is not as black and white as many of the rest of these.

~cadence 2 years ago

~mr_pie_5 Can you please elaborate?

~mr_pie_5 2 years ago*

Sorry, guess that was a little vague. I don't know all the specifics, but basically they are separate communities that do things differently, rather than simply one community that moved elsewhere while Fandom kept their work, which most of the rest of these are. So depending on exactly what your goals with the redirects are, that might not be one you want to include; if you just want to promote Fandom alternatives, then yeah it fits, but if you're looking more to support the communities and give users the best information sources, that's a little more complicated and there might not be an objective answer.

Side note, we of the Temtem and ARK wikis do appreciate your efforts, our situations are very black and white.

~cadence 2 years ago

~mr_pie_5 Great, thanks for explaining! I reckon I'll make another version of the notice that is smaller and less intrusive saying there is another active wiki community and they may have different info. It appears at a glance that the Xeno wiki is in this situation as well.

~ripplesworth 1 year, 11 months ago*

Another wiki which exists outside of fandom: the Serial Experiments Lain Wiki:

Fandom: https://sel.fandom.com/wiki/Serial_Experiments_Lain_Wiki

Main: https://lain.wiki/wiki/Main_Page

Additionally, is there any list of wikis that have migrated away from fandom? AFAIK this issue is the largest collection of such wikis.

Contact 1 year, 11 months ago ยท edit

Hey there,

we want to add few wikis to the list as well. Firstly our own: clockup.fandom.com --> en.clockupwiki.org Then our friends over at Yugipedia: yugioh.fandom.com --> yugipedia.com

And lastly our two favourite writing projects: scp.fandom.com --> scp-wiki.wikidot.com backrooms.fandom.com --> backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com

Keep up your great work.

Sincerly GU

~alex4401 1 year, 11 months ago

Hello again,

There's been more wikis that moved from Fandom onto wiki.gg since I last listed them here. I'm tracking them at https://github.com/alex4401/wikigg-redirect-extension/blob/master/sites.json.

~cadence 1 year, 11 months ago

Additionally, is there any list of wikis that have migrated away from fandom? AFAIK this issue is the largest collection of such wikis.

https://wikiindex.org/Welcome is a good resource about wikis (the linked page might be only viewable on the computer). They may have a category specifically for wikis that have migrated. Or, you could create that category.

Soon, the BreezeWiki source will include a larger list.

~cadence referenced this from #8 1 year, 11 months ago

~cadence REPORTED IMPLEMENTED 1 year, 11 months ago

Thank you so much everybody for your contributions!! I've added all wikis mentioned here and they will show up in the next release of BreezeWiki (very soon).

To make it easier for me to keep track of any new additions, I'm going to close this particular todo - if you find any more independent wikis, please go ahead and submit them to the new tracker here: https://todo.sr.ht/~cadence/breezewiki-todo/8

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