Ticket created by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
Hello Hugo, I follow shotman since a moment, I just try it again, with a swappyf wrapper for "swappy -f $@". When I press "e" this open swappy window for edit the picture but I have to press escape to close the anchor then.
It would be a better workflow if anchor can be autoclose on edit.
What do you think about ?
Comment by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
You can find here my patch https://lists.sr.ht/~whynothugo/public-inbox/patches/36013
Comment by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
I got a fix working on one output, and I will be able to test it tomorrow on my work setup 😄
Comment by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
Ok thanks you for the input, I try a fix.
Comment by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
Yeah, similare, I confirm that region and output mode are fix with the main branch of shotman + slurp-git, but I discover now that "window" mode is still broke. I can shot a window from one screen but not the other one.
Ticket created by ~cyrinux on ~whynothugo/shotman
Hi, Thanks for this pretty fast screeshoter for sway!
I think the multi monitor is buggy, I got black screenshot when I got several monitor. Bad monitor detection?
Any idea? Are you able to test or you prefer I try to fix it?
Comment by ~cyrinux on ~brocellous/wlrctl
Thanks for your quick reply ! :-)
Ticket created by ~cyrinux on ~brocellous/wlrctl
Hi, Thanks for this great tool :) I trying to implement it in my toolbox. I just try it with sway 1.5.1 on wayland 1.19.0 on archlinux, and sadly, i can't make working the feature i was searching, a way to detect in i'm in fullscreen or not. I tried your example for mpv detection, and a more global find like this
$ wlrctl toplevel list state:fullscreen
I'm not able to get a list of app in fullscreen, but i can see ALL my app, in the
.Any idea of what i miss ? Tell me if I can help you :-)