I like the way tiny manage this. It underline the first available letter in the channel name and create automatically a shortcut as alt+$letter. It's really specific, but any method is welcome. A fzf-like menu could be cool too.
Thanks but that's not a "shortcut".
For the first 9 buffers you can use A-[1-9]
Just a thought: we could do e.g. alt+shift (hold these keys), then type any letters of the channel (filters the channel list realtime), then when only one is left, release alt+shift to jump to it
Having to hold two keys while typing the channel name sounds rather finicky to me.
I'm a big fan of the go.py plugin for WeeChat. Hit
and the input buffer is replaced with "Go to:" followed by a list of buffers labeled both with an index and the buffer name. You can then either type the index or do a fuzzy search by name, and either have it automatically switch once there's a unique match, or you use tab to select one of the options and enter to go to the currently selected result.
delthas referenced this ticket in commit 06d3d2c.