
#295 notmuch exclude-tags queries always result in "argument was ignored" 29 days ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~rjarry/aerc

For notmuch accounts aerc gives the option to set exclude-tags which correctly removes messages from the result set. However, one is supposed to view these matching messages if explicitely mention tag:the-excluded-tag in the query. This however always results in "argument was ignored" message and no messages listed.

#293 Jumping to message part a month ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~rjarry/aerc

I happen to receive mails with multiple message parts. Actually I have to move over all parts to reach the last one. A fuzzy find jump would be great.

#292 Toggle tags for notmuch a month ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~rjarry/aerc

Currently aerc only allows to either set (+) or unset (-) a tag. It would be helpful to also allow toggling a tag (!).

#40 rpm package 1 year, 2 days ago

Comment by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr

Of course ;) I found a rpm for fedora here: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/alebastr/swayr/ It is automatically updated and works fine on my system. Eventually you might want to add this to your documentation.

kind regards

#40 rpm package 1 year, 3 days ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr


I would love to install swayr directly from a .rpm. Any chance to see this in the future?

#12 imv-msg doesn't handle spaces in path names 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~exec64/imv


when I have an imv instance running, I can open and view files with

imv-msg PID open "/home/user/pathWithoutSpaces/filename"

followed by

imv-msg PID goto -1

However imv-msg can't open the file if there is a space in the path or in the filename i.e.

imv-msg PID open "/home/user/path With Spaces/filename"


imv-msg PID open "/home/user/pathWithoutSpaces/filename with spaces"

both fail

#19 filter windows in switch-workspace 2 years ago

Comment by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr

this is the script (unfinished) that I use... example project names:

  • 25126-Sambre
  • 40687-Mol
  • 39047-Lampen

# Get regular workspaces
workspaces=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -c '.nodes[].nodes[] | select(.type | . and contains("workspace")) | select(.name | . and contains("__i3") | not) | .name? ' | grep -E '[[:digit:]]{5}-.*' | tr -d '"'  )

# Select window with rofi
selected=$(echo "$workspaces" | wofi --show dmenu -i --sort-order=alphabetical | awk '{print $1}')

# TODO: check if the selected workspace is the current one. then don't switch !
# TODO: if nothing selected -> cancel

# Tell sway to focus said workspace
# swaymsg [workspace="$selected"] focus
swaymsg workspace "$selected"

#19 filter windows in switch-workspace 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr

Hi, In sway I create workspaces named by my projects. My project names can be filtered using a regex (they all start with 5 numbers followed by a dash). I wrote a bash script which handles this, but as swayr is adding functionalities, this could be a nice addition ;)

You could add this as a --filter option to switch-workspace

Also, this might be nice to add to switch-window too.

#7 swayr switch-workspace doesn't list empty workspaces 3 years ago

Comment by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr

works great!

#7 swayr switch-workspace doesn't list empty workspaces 3 years ago

Comment by ~ecocode on ~tsdh/swayr

checked it, and empty workspaces are listed correctly. "nodes": [] and "representation": "H[]" are also correctly showing there are no windows in the empty workspace.