



Last active 11 months ago

#11 Some paywalled articles require a login cookie 8 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

~matthj thanks for the ideas.

This may be a misunderstanding of how Scribe gets its data. It uses an undocumented GraphQL api that does not expect any user agent strings or have JS enabled. I tried adding the user agent idea anyway and it actually blocked my requests 🙃

If you have any other ideas, let me know.

#32 Working scribe.rip mirror has broken 11 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Is Scribe not keeping a copy at all, so it just breaks the moment Medium breaks it?

That's correct. It does not store copies of articles. It calls the Medium API every time.

#32 Working scribe.rip mirror has broken 11 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Hi ~gwern. It looks like you put a bunch of effort into validating this. Thanks for doing that; it makes it a lot easier for me to understand what's going on.

Scribe uses a unlisted Medium API for fetching articles. When I launched scribe, it would give back the full article, even if it was paywalled. Slowly, over a number of months, I've seen more and more reports of paywalled articles showing only showing part of their content.

At this point, I expect all paywalled articles to show as incomplete. I'm tracking the issue over in the issue: Some paywalled articles require a login cookie so I'm marking this as duplicate.

As for your article showing fine, and then later showing as truncated, I'm not sure why that is. It's possible that the paywall API kicks in only after some time? Or perhaps you caught the one free view of it? I don't know for sure because I don't work at Medium.


#11 Some paywalled articles require a login cookie 1 year, 2 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Thank you for looking into this ~boehs.

And then you have your media, and then I basically gave up and then decided to just find another article that wasn’t behind the paywall :)

This has basically been my conclusion also. I'm not feeling super motivated to scrape google's cache.

It doesn't help that I view Scribe as a last resort. Basically, don't read Medium articles, but if you have to, use Scribe.

#11 Some paywalled articles require a login cookie 1 year, 3 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

It looks like Medium is now truncating articles that are "Medium members only". They used to have a free 2-article limit, but it seems like that's gone. Here's an example: The Secrets of Retirement No One Tells You.

I'm still not sure what to do about this unless a whole bunch of people want to donate a paid account, and giving money to Medium is against the goals of the project.

#31 Scribe not working for two articles 1 year, 4 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Yup, you got it. Thanks for finding the other issue, and I'm glad you're enjoying scribe.


#9 Tags on the add page 1 year, 5 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~mlb/linkhut

Sounds great! Happy to provide my feedback when the time comes.

#30 cannot bypass paywalled articles 1 year, 5 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Hi Datura. Thanks for the report.

This is indeed the case that paid articles are cut short. The only fix that I know is to act as a logged in user, but I'm not really interested in managing a premium account. Instead, I'm more interested in helping people not use Medium as a platform.

I also wrote a little bit of this up here: https://todo.sr.ht/~edwardloveall/Scribe/11 Since that's effectively the same issue, I'm going to close this one.


#9 Tags on the add page 1 year, 5 months ago

Ticket created by ~edwardloveall on ~mlb/linkhut

Hello! Thanks for linkhut. When I'm adding a new link, I like to know which tags I have so I don't get almost-duplicates (e.g. article & articles) and also so I can remember the tags I can use. Is this a feature you would consider supporting?

#29 Show headings anchors 1 year, 8 months ago

Comment by ~edwardloveall on ~edwardloveall/Scribe

Thanks. I'll consider it.