There are bunch of features connected to tags, which I guess there people who describe it better than me (represent tag page for example). But would be really nice to start with showing what tags does the page has.
I speculate it would be nice to change format from Medium to hashtags separated by spaces (I don't remember any tags with spaces there, though it's potential breaking change) so they could easily be copied and pasted into any system which loves hashtags.
PS Should I create similar todo
on comments? To start with showing the
number, so that reader won't need to go back to Medium to learn that
there's no comments. (I tend to lazy prioritize it. Going to open
when/if this one progress/completed if no other opinions here.) X)
Hi petesim. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not interested in adding tags or comments at this time.
I talk about this a little in the project's goals but the summary is that I don't want Scribe to have features that help readers interact with more of Medium. I see tags and comments as ways to do that.
Thanks for enjoying Scribe enough to make the suggestions.
Thanks for the link! I nodded at the first paragraph back then, and didn't pay a lot of attention further in that section.
With all respect and gratitude let me try to defend this minimal addition that I intentionally called list tags; I will be quick. I would argue that tags per se (not hyperlinked -- text of the tags) are part of the content as well as images, captions, titles, paragraphs, etc. (As a proof it's easy to create a (short) text which meaning would be significantly incomplete without its tongue-in-the-cheek tag(s).) Also I would note that presenting the list of tags (again not linked!) as hashtag line would indeed facilitate reader to find some fresher relevant information on the topic in their favorite platform outside Medium pasting this string into their platform of choice.
I can appreciate a good tag adding to content, and your suggestion of non-linked tags makes sense to me.
One thing to note is that there's a non-trivial amount that goes into updating Scribe such as release notes, announcement, getting back into the code, and trying to divine the undocumented Medium API. Then there's the actual feature development. None of these are particularly difficult on their own. But given that 99% of all tags add very little outside of discovering other posts, I don't have the appetite to do that work for the benefit of tags right now.
That's not to say it could never happen, and if someone were to submit a patch for listing tags, I'd consider it (no guarantees until I see it though).
Could you move "Status" back to open then. X)
Of course, everything as usual! It's just nice to have some well defined/limited issue/scope stating what expected/allowed from tags. And some probability of it completion when ever.
One thing to note is that there's a non-trivial amount that goes into updating Scribe such as release notes, announcement, getting back into the code, and trying to divine the undocumented Medium API. Then there's the actual feature development. None of these are particularly difficult on their own. But given that 99% of all tags add very little outside of discovering other posts, I don't have the appetite to do that work for the benefit of tags right now.
That's not to say it could never happen, and if someone were to submit a patch for listing tags, I'd consider it (no guarantees until I see it though).