wael_: is goguma gonna ever have the feature to have 0x0.st or null pointer file sharing?
wael_: goguma has link previewing but file upload
wael_: i understand file upload is not part of the IRC protocol, but a seperate service can be used for that
We have plans for this: we want to experiment with a file upload server advertised by the IRC server. See ircv3-ideas#100.
is there an experimental feature i can enable or anything new added to this experiment? i'm coming from matrix from IRC due to the loss of file sharing.
well, in the meanwhile is there by any means an easy way to upload to a service such as 0x0.st or my own from goguma?
You need to use an external app, copy the upload link to the clipboard, then go back to goguma and paste the link.
..........,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;hlk7u9o8yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyylknnnnnnnnnn87 is there an external app that you know of that can do that?
there is this app: https://github.com/lastradev/voidshare i hope that there is an simpler alternative to this.
This is now implemented in soju and goguma.