I have the following setup in kanshi:
profile [docked] {
╎ output "Acer Technologies Acer H236HL LX1AA0034210" mode
1920x1080@60Hz position 0,0
╎ output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L" mode 1920x1080@60Hz
position 1920,0
╎ output eDP-1 disable
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 1, move workspace to "Acer
Technologies Acer H236HL LX1AA0034210"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 2, move workspace to "Acer
Technologies Acer H236HL LX1AA0034210"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 3, move workspace to "Acer
Technologies Acer H236HL LX1AA0034210"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 4, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 5, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 6, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 7, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 8, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 9, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace number 10, move workspace to "Dell Inc. DELL
U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 1 output "Acer Technologies Acer H236HL
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 2 output "Acer Technologies Acer H236HL
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 3 output "Acer Technologies Acer H236HL
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 4 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 5 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 6 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 7 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 8 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 9 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
╎ exec swaymsg workspace 10 output "Dell Inc. DELL U2715H H7YCC5AR034L"
Not sure what changed recently, and either the issue is with sway or kanshi, but creating a new workspace was working fine a few weeks ago where given workspaces were created on the attributed output. The new behavior is that new workspaces are created on the focused output, ignoring the attributed output in the config.
Any pointer would be appreciated. Thanks Alexis
Update on this, so weirdly I had to revert back using the 'DP-X' names of the outputs for it to work as names are not parsed correctly anymore.
Kanshi errors with not knowing the 'Acer' output for example. I thought I had it working like that before but maybe not.