refactor app-part into Not Bash

please save me from myself

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3 years ago
3 years ago
app mvp

~erin 3 years ago

maybe Go would be a good choice, since the core dependency is written in it

~erin referenced this from #3 3 years ago

~erin 3 years ago

i could replace credstash with regular dynamodb with encryption, since it supports that now to eliminate a python dep. there's also a library to use it within go too!

~erin 3 years ago

further app simplification could be achieved by eliminating gandi host web redirection and privatebin, replacing it with an s3 bucket website and route53. this would add a bit of cloud cost though, as r53 zones are $1/mo. there's probably other, simple, free web hosting alternatives that have apis to integrate with similarly... i just don't know of them

~erin 3 years ago*

on second thought, i think it'd be best to let the end user manage how they'd like to handle their dns. the premise of using an s3 bucket website is sound, but one better would be to simply have the thing be a webapp and have it conform to a microservice model.

that'd make execution of the app simpler, and not require scheduling of its run; bringing that functionality into the app itself and having the container always on. the user can then put a reverse web proxy in front of the container to route traffic to it as they please, integrating it into their larger web site.

this would effectively eliminate the dependencies of nodejs, pastebin-cli, python, credstash, the DynamoDB table and its KMS key, and the entire Gandi service, and leave only Go, the app itself, and the notification system using AWS SNS. even the latter AWS bits could be feature flagged in favor of the Docker log daemon, if the user so desires.

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