
#35 High CPU usage for long lists (~5000 lines) 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wofi

That is reasonable, thanks for elaborating.

#35 High CPU usage for long lists (~5000 lines) 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wofi

Just wanted to confirm, that it looks much better now, than it was before. There is still 100% CPU load on one core (rofi doesn't do that), but on my notebook it is now only few seconds (2-3 seconds), which is completely ok.

Thank you for changes and great menu for my sway!

#35 High CPU usage for long lists (~5000 lines) 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wofi

Thank you for improvements! From what I see on my ntb(previous test was on my desktop PC, will test it later), when I run wofi -S run:

  • it is responsive now, on my dt PC it was laggy (will test it there later),
  • I still see 100% CPU utilization of one CPU core. What is happening? I am even not searching, just opening wofi in run mode occupy CPU until wofi is closed.

#35 High CPU usage for long lists (~5000 lines) 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wofi

I forgot to mention, that behavior is the same for packaged version and compiled current master.

#35 High CPU usage for long lists (~5000 lines) 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wofi

I also have 100% cpu usage. I do nothing special, just run wofi -S run. If I use wofi -S drun it is ok. Unfortunately this is unusable. I am not sure how many entries are there, but it is quite normal Void Linux system.

#10 Missing "build" directory in README install instructions 4 years ago

Ticket created by ~ernierasta on ~scoopta/wlrobs

Hi! Thank you for this great project. In README there should be:


    mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/wlrobs/bin/64bit
  •   cp libwlrobs.so ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/wlrobs/bin/64bit
  •   cp build/libwlrobs.so ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/wlrobs/bin/64bit

#269 EOF Error 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

Just for the record, my "More info:" section in previous message is wrong. composer.PrepareHeader() is generating new Message-ID and Date. Sending my naive solution now.

#15 Add JMAP worker 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

I think I understand why it is rejected, I suspect:

  1. Server support is currently weak, mayby cyrus is best choice?
  2. We have no JMAP client library in golang.
  3. RFC out of draft for just few months (August 2019) and Calendar and Contacts standards are not done yet.
  4. I do not read specs, but maybe logic is so different, that it would mean many changes (even in UI) of aerc?

If we have working, tested JMAP client library in golang ... this would be nice.

But I do not know reasons Drew have.

#309 accented characters in quotes don't render properly 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

this is SOLVED

#126 socksify not available on all distributions 4 years ago

Comment by ~ernierasta on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

While this is not exactly solution to the problem, one can use something like this instead of w3m:

package main

import (


func main() {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
	input, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)

	text, err := html2text.FromString(string(input), html2text.Options{PrettyTables: false})
	if err != nil {

Obviously results are different.