I cannot use dust in one of my archlinux pc because of a weird permission error.
$ DUST_HOME=~/.local/share/dust dust status
Error: cannot change file owner - Operation not permitted (/home/theo/.local/share/dust/user/theo -1 1000)
I check permissions of all files and I cannot find anything wrong. I did exactly the same thing on a different pc with manjaro and everything went well.
Note that on this config the main group for my user is users and not theo.
Look like creating and adding the group theo to my groups solved the problem, also I think it is not an acceptable fix and the problem show some kind of bug in dust.
Agreed, thanks for the report. I'll try to reproduce this sometime soon.
This should be sorted in version 0.0.5 (released just now).
Solved indeed, thank you for the quick reaction :)