Problem with file permissions

I cannot use dust in one of my archlinux pc because of a weird permission error.

$ DUST_HOME=~/.local/share/dust dust status
Error: cannot change file owner - Operation not permitted (/home/theo/.local/share/dust/user/theo -1 1000)

I check permissions of all files and I cannot find anything wrong. I did exactly the same thing on a different pc with manjaro and everything went well.

Note that on this config the main group for my user is users and not theo.

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5 years ago
5 years ago
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~lattay 5 years ago

Look like creating and adding the group theo to my groups solved the problem, also I think it is not an acceptable fix and the problem show some kind of bug in dust.

~evhan 5 years ago

Agreed, thanks for the report. I'll try to reproduce this sometime soon.

~evhan REPORTED FIXED 5 years ago

This should be sorted in version 0.0.5 (released just now).

~lattay 5 years ago

Solved indeed, thank you for the quick reaction :)

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