imv doesn't read from stdin with arg "-" if a file named "-" exists in the current directory

As I explain here if a real file named "-" exists in the current directory imv won't read from stdin and will try to read that file instead.

This behavior isn't consistent with how other *nix tools take the - argument, so I suggest making imv always try to read stdin when - is passed and only open the actual file when ./- is passed.

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2 years ago
2 years ago
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~simoneruffini 2 years ago

I just found out about imv -, not finding this in the documentation I was surprised even if this is std *nix as you told. I would suggest to add this behavior in the documentation

~simoneruffini 2 years ago

I just found out about imv -, not finding this in the documentation I was surprised even if this is std *nix as you told. I would suggest to add this behavior in the documentation

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