Some images are badly rendered or even not rendered at all

I'm not very knowledgeable about images viewers so I apologize in advance if using wrong terminology.

I'm using 4.5.0 on Gentoo (X11), default config. Some images rendering looks really bad compared to other image viewers. Sometimes, the images aren't even rendered.

I think this is because qimgv has "bilinear" filtering in Options > Scaling & Zoom > Scaling filter, whereas imv only has nearest_neighbour or linear upscaling methods.

imv is also quite slow when going to previous/next image in a directory compared to other image viewers, especially with high res images. Sometimes, I'm also getting weird artifacts when going to a previous/next image.

I have no issue whatsoever with other programs such as qimgv, Gwenview, Nomacs, GIMP... even mpv handle some pictures just fine compared to imv.

I really like the minimal approach of ivm and would definitely use it as my default image viewer but these issues are deal breaking.

I can share exiftool output of some affected images if that can help troubleshooting.

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6 months ago
6 months ago
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~srht24 6 months ago

White background and artifacts when going to previous/next image look similar to https://todo.sr.ht/~exec64/imv/56, missed that one.

~srht24 6 months ago

Can confirm this patch fixes the large images not being rendered / glitches on my system.

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