Ticket created by ~execat on ~mlb/linkhut
For self hosters, this would be a godsend and it could be included in the
. There are at least two other people who want this feature: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33557934I checked how other projects do this:
- Create a
: https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding/blob/master/Dockerfile- Create a script to push
to make things easy: https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding/blob/master/build-docker.sh- Integrate in the
: https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding/blob/master/docker-compose.ymlWhat do you think about this?
Ticket created by ~execat on ~execat/nixologist
- Use steps:
- More templates:
- Chakra Templates: https://chakra-templates.dev/page-sections/hero
- Choc UI: https://choc-ui.tech/docs/elements/alerts
- Sample apps:
- Colors and test beds:
- Chakra Play: https://chakra-play.tk/
- Themera: https://themera.vercel.app/
- Consider?
Ticket created by ~execat on ~execat/nixologist
https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/setup Check other projects also.
Comment by ~execat on ~execat/Notes
{ config, pkgs, ... }: { # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the # paths it should manage. home.username = "atm"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/atm"; # This value determines the Home Manager release that your # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards # incompatible changes. # # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version # changes in each release. home.stateVersion = "20.09"; home.packages = [ # Shell pkgs.bash pkgs.bash-completion pkgs.cowsay pkgs.exa pkgs.fasd pkgs.fortune pkgs.fzf pkgs.tree pkgs.zsh pkgs.zsh-autosuggestions # Utilities pkgs.binutils pkgs.coreutils-full pkgs.dateutils pkgs.findutils pkgs.moreutils # Editors pkgs.vim pkgs.neovim # GNU utils pkgs.gawk pkgs.gcc pkgs.gnused pkgs.gnutar pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.indent pkgs.gnu-smalltalk pkgs.gnupg # Source management pkgs.bfg-repo-cleaner pkgs.fossil pkgs.git-town pkgs.git-lfs # Web pkgs.lynx # Servers pkgs.darkhttpd pkgs.dbeaver # pkgs.elasticsearch # Unfree pkgs.mongodb pkgs.mariadb pkgs.mycli pkgs.postgresql pkgs.pgcli pkgs.redis # Languages pkgs.chez # Scheme pkgs.chez-mit # MIT Chez pkgs.coq pkgs.crystal pkgs.elixir pkgs.elmPackages.elm pkgs.erlang pkgs.go pkgs.guile pkgs.leiningen pkgs.lua pkgs.python3 # pkgs.rust pkgs.ruby # Haskell related pkgs.ghc pkgs.cabal-install pkgs.stack # Scala pkgs.sbt pkgs.ammonite # JS related pkgs.nodejs pkgs.yarn # Rust utils pkgs.bat pkgs.dust pkgs.exa pkgs.hexyl pkgs.mdcat pkgs.tig # Utilties pkgs.buku pkgs.cloc # pkgs.howdoi pkgs.httpie pkgs.jq pkgs.mc pkgs.p7zip pkgs.pandoc pkgs.pigz pkgs.pv pkgs.rename pkgs.ripgrep pkgs.speedtest-cli # pkgs.ssh-copy-id pkgs.thefuck pkgs.tldr pkgs.tmux pkgs.wget pkgs.youtube-dl # Media pkgs.ffmpeg pkgs.lame # Security pkgs.aircrack-ng # pkgs.binwalk # pkgs.cifer pkgs.fcrackzip pkgs.foremost pkgs.mitmproxy pkgs.john pkgs.openssh pkgs.tcpflow pkgs.tcpreplay pkgs.tcptraceroute pkgs.thc-hydra pkgs.socat pkgs.sqlmap ]; programs.git = { package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull; enable = true; userName = "Anuj More"; userEmail = "anujmorex@gmail.com"; }; }