Ticket created by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
Remember window size on exit and restore it on start. It used to do it, but it got lost in last UI rewrite
Bug added by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
Ticket created by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
Right now, when the search bar is revealed, via the button or the keyboard shorcut (bot trigger the same action), the focus is not moved to the search input. The user must focus it to start typing.
This is not consistent with other apps work.
Comment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
I can confirm that it works with the 0.8.0 from flatpak. 👍
What would your preferred fix then look like ? I would like to have a cleaner code which parsers various schedule xml flavours (and ics) in a well-defined internal format, because that code is quite a mess.. I have to admit I'm not good in writing clean code...
Comment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
Confy 0.8.0 has been tagged! https://git.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/confy/refs/0.8.0
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
I've pushed a quick fix to this as commit 5df8ab8a86 It's still bad, so I'll leave this ticked opened as a reminder.
Comment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
.. I suspect that "if" is there for dates coming from events in ical format. Normalizing source values would be the right thing to do, indeed..
Comment by ~fabrixxm on ~fabrixxm/confy
Thank you for reporting this!
The problem is here. My fix would be to expand the checks to support more formats, but I'd like to have a better and more robust solution.
I'm open to any patch which improve the really fragile xml parser :)
Main point is however to continue support any strange kind of xml which passes as Pentabarf...