Updated that now, but a bit too tired after living in Indian Timezone during Debcamp and Debconf to figure out sourcehut now tbh, but attaching a fixed po file
Den sön 10 sep. 2023 kl 06:20 skrev Luna Jernberg droidbittin@gmail.com:
also got noticed that the Ångström character in my translation should not be there will look at it later this afternoon (my time) when i am more awake
Den sön 10 sep. 2023 kl 06:19 skrev Luna Jernberg droidbittin@gmail.com:
Talked to devrtz on the #debconf IRC on OFTC and promised to send a bug report as he was going for breakfast in India and i am still here in Sweden attending remote
the app shows 1 day wrong for the events at Debconf 2023
showing Lördag (Saturday) when its in fact Söndag (Sunday) both here and in India i presume
//Luna luna Jernberg
PO file has been merged in c73ec007