Feature Req. - Detection & unpacking of archived APKs

There is currebtly a bug in Butler where single file uploads end up zipping the uploaded files.

As a result, you get a zipped archive containing the APK file instead of the APK file on itch projects.

I would like to request an archive detection feature and unpacking before install.

Or manual setting of installed state for a product.

Example project (caution - nsfw): https://thearcadean.itch.io/corrupted-kingdoms

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2 years ago
2 years ago
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~gardenapple 2 years ago

Thanks for telling about the Butler bug. Unpacking archives was a low-priority to-do item for a while, this makes it higher priority.

~gardenapple 2 years ago

Sorry, it took me far too long to get around to this, and now I actually can't find any Android games packaged as ZIPs. The project you linked to seems to have been updated. I will keep this feature request open until I find a test case for it.

~gardenapple 2 years ago

Nevermind, found a test subject. Paid game but I have it thanks to the Ukraine bundle: https://nerdmonkeys.itch.io/detective-case-and-clown-bot-in-murder-in-the-hotel-lisbon

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