Portland, OR
Ruby hacker, faerie friend, cognitive artifact collector, and sender of signal 9.
Ticket created by ~ged on ~ged/observability
Replace instances of Concurrency types used that have been replaced by the Promises API; e.g.,
Comment by ~ged on ~ged/loggability
Released with an HTTP log device in v0.16.0.
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~ged on ~ged/loggability
Yeah, I added one that emits JSON a few weeks ago in a topic branch in my (non-publishing) work repo: https://repo.deveiate.org/Loggability/rev/55ea9e745f4d
I am using it along with a new instrumentation library (a kind of vendor-neutral NewRelic) I’ve been working on, and it seems to work for what I need it to do, but I’d be interested in your take/requirements/suggestions.
You should be able to check out that branch if you want, but I’ve also pushed a pre-release gem with it: https://rubygems.org/gems/loggability/versions/0.15.0.pre20190714094638
Ticket created by ~ged on ~ged/loggability
[via Bitbucket/rgalanakis]: I was wondering if you have any plans or intended approach to add structured logging support? I am starting a branch that takes a stab, but I’m wondering if you have any existing work I could run with, to make sure it’s idiomatic. Thanks!