I have started work on a simple text markup syntax, and I want to use it for my blog.
Types of text that I'd like to markup:
italics, bold,
, super-/sub-scripts, links, headingsI'd also like to have an in-line metadata format that is not rendered with the main document (that is different that the weird YAML-at-the-beginning-of-the-Markdown-file thing that's so popular in the static-site world.
Current design of the syntax:
*text* will render as bold. !text! will render as italic. ^text^ will render as a superscript. _text_ will render as a subscript. [[link][url]] will render as a link. # text will render as a heading, with the level determined by the count of #'s. `text` will render as code/pre/et al. Blocks will also be supported with triple-ticks. #+key: value(s) will add metadata to the document.
In addition, all of these tokens will terminate without rendering on line breaks, e.g.
!some text!
will not render as:
They will all include any space/tab characters and not terminate.Paragraphs must be separated by two newlines/carriage returns. Documents can only be UTF-8 encoded (for now - I don't know if UTF-16 will break things terribly, and at the moment I only need UTF-8).