C140 / C219 emulation on OPL4

The Namco C140 is a stereo 24-voice 8-bit PCM sound chip, used amongst others in the arcade game Valkyrie No Densetsu, one of my favourite VGM packs.

The Namco C219 16-channel variant of the C140 used in e.g. Knuckle Heads.

Going by the specs, this is something the MoonSound should be able to emulate.

bitbucket:Laurens Holst
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6 years ago
4 years ago
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bitbucket:Laurens Holst 6 years ago · edit

Because the C140 / C219 can freely play samples from any start and end position in its memory, while the OPL4 requires start, end and loop positions to be specified in advance in the wave headers table (which can’t be accessed during playback), this would require a pre-scan of the C140 / C219 VGM data to determine and populate the OPL4 instrument headers prior to playback.


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