


Unix System Engineer

#7 aerc tries to parse message bodies as headers 1 year, 9 months ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~rjarry/aerc

I am also experiencing this issue using Davmail to interface with my corporate O365 instance. My other accounts don't have issues but the Davmail account does.

Currently on aerc version 0.13.0.

#43 RSS Feeds 3 years ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~cadence/tube

Yeah, I'd love to have the feeds get updated by Cloudtube and link to the Cloudtube instance when I try to watch the videos.

I understand if this is too much but would be way cool if it was possible.

#43 RSS Feeds 3 years ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~cadence/tube

Yeah, that is what I am currently doing at the moment. However, since I am on iOS there is no way to redirect requests to youtube.com to my Cloudtube instance (no way that I am aware of at least).

#43 RSS Feeds 3 years ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~cadence/tube

That would be perfect.

In the meantime is there any way to grab the URL for a channel's RSS feed directly from NewLeaf?

#43 RSS Feeds 3 years ago

Ticket created by ~heywoodlh on ~cadence/tube

Are RSS feeds for channels planned or already supported? Not finding a way to grab RSS feeds.

Youtube has this functionality built in (I just learned about this today): How to Get an RSS Feed from Youtube

If I could get RSS feeds from Cloudtube that would allow me to get channel updates and just watch the videos directly on Cloudtube that would be amazing!

#10 Setup/How-To Guide 3 years ago

Ticket created by ~heywoodlh on ~cadence/tube

I'm sorry if this is obvious, or not really in the scope of support, but I would love to be able to deploy my own instance of CloudTube and Second. I haven't been able to find documentation on how to do this, though. Is there a setup guide documented anywhere?

If there is not, I would be happy to contribute a guide with a bit of assistance (assuming that's desired, of course).

#425 Dismiss Warning/Error After A Certain Period 4 years ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

Wow, thanks for the quick response! Has it been merged already or still waiting?

#425 Dismiss Warning/Error After A Certain Period 4 years ago

feature added by ~heywoodlh on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

#425 Dismiss Warning/Error After A Certain Period 4 years ago

Ticket created by ~heywoodlh on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

Is there any way to have encountered errors in aerc be dismissed after a certain period?

For example, I use Hydroxide to connect to my Protonmail account. When I move anything to the Archive folder I get a red error message in aerc that says "The IDs is required". I'm aware that this is particular error is a fault of Hydroxide, not aerc. But the error message never goes away.

Is there anyway to have error messages be dismissed after a certain time period (say thirty seconds)? The red error message persisting through my aerc session after a single error being encountered is a bit annoying.

In my opinion, this would be helpful for all error messages as it's not like the error persisting for an extended period of time for any other issue would be helpful.

Sorry if this has been submitted already but I couldn't find anything that covered this topic.

#343 Can't open text/html messages: "list message build: wrong section 1" 4 years ago

Comment by ~heywoodlh on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

I also had this same issue. Hopefully this isn't too late, but what I ended up doing is switching to Hydroxide (https://github.com/emersion/hydroxide) which seems to work much better with aerc. Seems a bit more stable and quicker than the official Protonmail Bridge.

Once I switched to Hydroxide, I no longer had this issue and aerc crashed on me a lot less.

For the record, I run aerc in an Arch Docker container and experienced this issue on both MacOS and Arch Linux with the Protonmail Bridge.