United States
I program stuff, games, or linux utils mostly.
Comment by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda
Redid pathfinding, will fix lag soon. The lag is prob caused by java garbage collecting a massive array of GridCells. We can fix this by only generating a collision map for the rendered area.
Ticket created by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda
They are kinda just a mess right now, also any code directly accessing the assets via Gdx.files.internal, should be replaced with either Assets.[TEXTURE_NAME], or Assets.manager.get("TEXTURE_NAME", Texture.class).
Comment by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda
Added in this commit: https://git.sr.ht/~interfiber/lambda/commit/a7c24f9
Comment by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~interfiber on ~interfiber/Lambda