UTC+02:00, EU DST applied
I do things on the computer.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGx0AdLyJEwH3mVLqpo6r9wztgseynCKW2sgzhCCV1jO
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay
RESOLVED CLOSEDbump added by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay
Ticket created by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
this seems to be related to the timezone being
instead ofZ
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
Jackson referenced this ticket in commit 0f6c2fe.
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
idea: converting them to strings (they could be already strings idk) using the site's time format, and comparing that
second question: why is there 2 timezones? (probably a go question)
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
weirdly, for https://jacksonchen666.com/posts/2024-02-25/00-15-39/, it's this:
2024-07-31 02:02:49 +0000 +0000 2024-02-25 00:15:39 +0000 +0000
the timezones are the same
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
dumping the following into
:<br> {{ .Lastmod }}<br> {{ .Date }}<br>
puts the following:
2024-04-01 20:46:16 +0000 UTC 2024-04-01 20:46:16 +0000 +0000
yeah, there's gonna have to be some timestamp normalization
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
this only seems to happen with 0.125.x versions, not 0.120.x, which is still being used (until soon which will revert to later versions)
Comment by ~jacksonchen666 on ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com
i found the issue with the fix: an HTML comment being outside the
definition just break iti don't understand exactly why that's the case. the fixes for the fix will be pushed.