


#James Pearson

Projects | Git | PGP

Hello, my name is James Pearson. This is my Sourcehut account, where I host some of my repositories.

#13 aerc does not allow local installation 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~jamesp on ~rjarry/aerc

So I set PREFIX=$HOME/.local when I installed aerc with make install without sudo (and yes I have $PATH and $MANPATH set up so my computer can execute local binaries under $HOME/.local/bin and read local manpages under $HOME/.local/share/man) and I got this when I tried to run aerc:

Failed to load config: open /usr/local/share/aerc/aerc.conf: no such file or directory

Instead it's located in $HOME/.local/share/aerc/aerc.conf instead, as these logs from when I ran make install prove (except $HOME in this case is /home/james):

mkdir -m755 -p $HOME/.local/bin $HOME/.local/share/man/man1 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man7 \
        $HOME/.local/share/aerc $HOME/.local/share/aerc/filters $HOME/.local/share/aerc/templates $HOME/.local/share/aerc/stylesets
install -m755 aerc $HOME/.local/bin/aerc
install -m644 aerc.1 $HOME/.local/share/man/man1/aerc.1
install -m644 aerc-search.1 $HOME/.local/share/man/man1/aerc-search.1
install -m644 aerc-config.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-config.5
install -m644 aerc-imap.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-imap.5
install -m644 aerc-maildir.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-maildir.5
install -m644 aerc-sendmail.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-sendmail.5
install -m644 aerc-notmuch.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-notmuch.5
install -m644 aerc-smtp.5 $HOME/.local/share/man/man5/aerc-smtp.5
install -m644 aerc-tutorial.7 $HOME/.local/share/man/man7/aerc-tutorial.7
install -m644 aerc-templates.7 $HOME/.local/share/man/man7/aerc-templates.7
install -m644 aerc-stylesets.7 $HOME/.local/share/man/man7/aerc-stylesets.7
install -m644 config/accounts.conf $HOME/.local/share/aerc/accounts.conf
install -m644 aerc.conf $HOME/.local/share/aerc/aerc.conf
install -m644 config/binds.conf $HOME/.local/share/aerc/binds.conf
install -m755 filters/hldiff $HOME/.local/share/aerc/filters/hldiff
install -m755 filters/html $HOME/.local/share/aerc/filters/html
install -m755 filters/plaintext $HOME/.local/share/aerc/filters/plaintext
install -m644 templates/quoted_reply $HOME/.local/share/aerc/templates/quoted_reply
install -m644 templates/forward_as_body $HOME/.local/share/aerc/templates/forward_as_body
install -m644 config/default_styleset $HOME/.local/share/aerc/stylesets/default

This means that aerc just doesn't support local installation, by reading from $HOME/.local instead of from /usr or /usr/local. And I can see why, because you have to change $PATH and $MANPATH, which most people don't want to do. But for those that have, can you please add this feature? Actually, I won't expect this to go through. I went and installed the proper way with sudo.

#192 Patch sent from git.sr.ht on web does not link to user's profile 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~jamesp on ~sircmpwn/lists.sr.ht

In a patch sent from the web interface of git.sr.ht, lists.sr.ht will show the user as something like ~jamesp <jamesp@git.sr.ht>, but the ~jamesp is greyed out like it was sent from an email without a sr.ht account, not allowing you to click to the user's profile.

How it should look: ~jamesp jamesp@git.sr.ht

Also, when you click on the email address to reply to someone, the cc tag still shows their git.sr.ht email address (such as jamesp@git.sr.ht). The Cc tag should instead be set to their reply-to address.

Example referenced: https://lists.sr.ht/~emersion/public-inbox/patches/28287

#78 hub.sr.ht should redirect to sr.ht 3 years ago

Ticket created by ~jamesp on ~sircmpwn/hub.sr.ht