#45 Black screen when targeted file is changed quickly 1 year, 10 months ago

Comment by ~jman on ~exec64/imv

I seem to have the same issue when I recreate the PNG currently visualized (I'm using gnuplot to regenerate a plotted diagram). After a while the PNG does not show up anymore, just a black canvas.

FWIW as a "workaround" I use the slideshow feature: imv -t1 file.png. Doesn't cover all cases, though. If my image generation script breaks and imv tries to reload an empty file, then it's "stuck" again and I need to restart imv.

#71 Configuration for profile '%s' cancelled, retrying 2 years ago

Comment by ~jman on ~emersion/kanshi

~justinesmithies how did you produce that debug log? I encounter the same error and would like to compare my debug log. Thanks.

In my case the error happens like this:

  • I have the second monitor connected to the USB-C (through a multiport hub)
  • The laptop and monito go to sleep after a while.
  • When I wake the laptop the monitor does /not/ wake up
  • kanshi loops with that error message

If I connect the same monitor directly to the HDMI port of the laptop, everything works as expected

I can't extract any other significant debug from journalctl or dmesg.

Workaround: reload sway config

#274 Server error if sending ImportInput when adding a comment to a ticket 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~jman on ~sircmpwn/todo.sr.ht

Creation time and author of comments on a todo.sr.ht ticket (ImportInput) cannot be set. When trying, I get some "internal server error" back. Removing ImportInput from the request works.

Example mutation:

mutation submitComment(
	$trackerId: Int!
	$ticketId: Int!
	$ticketStatus: TicketStatus
	$resolution: TicketResolution
	$commentText: String!
	$importInput: ImportInput
) {
		trackerId: $trackerId
		ticketId: $ticketId
		input: {
			status: $ticketStatus
			text: $commentText
			resolution: $resolution
			import: $importInput
	) {

With variables:

	"trackerId": 1234,
	"ticketId": 16,
	"trackerName": "test-tracker",
	"labelId": 1,
	"ticketStatus": "RESOLVED",
	"resolution": "CLOSED",
	"commentText": "Ticket comment text",
	"importInput": {
		"created": "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z",
		"externalId": "github:ghost",
		"externalUrl": "https://github.com/ghost"

Server response

	"errors": [
			"message": "internal system error",
			"path": [
	"data": null

ref in this discussion

#271 Confusing error msg when tracker id does not exist 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~jman on ~sircmpwn/todo.sr.ht

if I try to create an issue with an non-existing tracker id, I receive a confusing reply.


mutation CreateTicket {
		input: {
			subject: "This the title",
			body: "This is the body"


	"errors": [
			"message": "must not be null",
			"path": [
	"data": null

Expected: A message about the tracker ID not existing.

Mentioned in: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3C87fsje6tys.fsf%40city17.xyz%3E

#1 This the title 2 years ago

Comment by ~jman on ~wolf4ood/nitter-bot

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

#270 400 opaque error when importing without a wrong file type (or none) 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~jman on ~sircmpwn/todo.sr.ht

When I click on "Import tracker data" but I forget to select a file I get an opaque 400 error instead of a more descriptive message such as (example) "No file selected for import". See screenshot: https://upload.disroot.org/r/GD0pb9W0#/njxDQ2NUlCQ2W6KnF4+4VZVwc8VhGX8BCGC3FTO/PM

Same error when trying to upload any other file than a gzipped file

Discussion: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3C87edyzy4pb.fsf%40city17.xyz%3E

#242 add dark mode 4 years ago

Comment by ~jman on ~sircmpwn/sr.ht

thank you :-)

#242 add dark mode 4 years ago

Comment by ~jman on ~sircmpwn/sr.ht

~yerinalexey writes:

Yes, it could be implemented but not as a high priority task. Sourcehut right now is focusing on the functionality and not UI.

If you want a dark theme, you can try my UserCSS: https://sr.ht/~yerinalexey/dark.sr.ht

I can also suggest using this browser extension, which in my experience works fine on websites not yet supporting it natively:

