Redmond, Washington
Applied mathematician and scientific programmer.
Comment by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/cl-buchberger
Juan M. Bello-Rivas referenced this ticket in commit 76dd47e.
RESOLVED FIXEDenhancement added by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/cl-buchberger
Ticket created by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/cl-buchberger
enhancement added by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/embedologist
Ticket created by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/embedologist
E.g., N for number of points, n for dimensionality of the ambient space, k for the number of coordinates, etc.
enhancement added by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/embedologist
Ticket created by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/embedologist
Iterate over partitioned pairs of indices to compute the squared Euclidean distances in order to avoid the O(n^2) memory requirement.
enhancement added by ~jmbr on ~jmbr/embedologist