North Carolina
An amateur yet handsome fellow learning the computer sciences.
Contact me @ Email:
Ticket created by ~jordan31 on ~jordan31/Personal_Sites
The site needs to have media-queries added so that it adjusts its scaling and layout depending on device screen size, eg: phone, desktop.
Comment by ~jordan31 on ~rjarry/aerc
After reading that gemini link I agree with it. As a simple user of aerc that doesn't fiddle with pgp much, it would make my life and others like me, much easier.
Comment by ~jordan31 on ~sircmpwn/aerc2
Well after reading this I'm a little relieved to know the issue and that the fault lies with my school. But, still stinks that this wont be fixed (or broken ;)). I'm under the impression I will need to use another email client for access my school's email, and keep aerc for my personal emails. At the very least I learned something new from all the reading on this topic!
performance added by ~jordan31 on ~jordan31/mutantgaming
Ticket created by ~jordan31 on ~jordan31/mutantgaming
The background video stutters poorly on lower spec devices and slower net speeds. I think rendering the video to another format (and or compression) meant for web would provide a smoother video playback when visiting the landing page with no caching involved.
Comment by ~jordan31 on ~sircmpwn/aerc2
I did set $TERM to xterm, but is there a more permenant way of resolving this besides relying on the library maintainer to correct? I prefer not to have to manually set $TERM every time I log into Sway or refresh the config file. How are you all handling this issue more efficiently?
Thanks, Jordan
Ticket created by ~jordan31 on ~jordan31/mutantgaming
The video on the landing page should be the full width of the screen (view-width).