Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Oh yes, I haven't seen it's possible to use conditions in templates
Here is my working "new_message" template :
X-Mailer: aerc {{version}} {{if eq .Account "MyAccount"}}Bcc: Jordan <jordan@domain.tld>{{end}} {{- with .Signature }} {{.}} {{- end -}}
Ticket created by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Hi and thanks for this piece of software ! aerc is my default MUA.
It would be useful if we can add a bcc= line in the accounts.conf file.
I've tried to modify the template, but it is common to all accounts. I also add a binding in compose::review with a :bcc command, but sometime, I forget to launch it.
Thanks again
Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Ok Robin, I've applied these both patches to the master branch and rebuild. I've changed the mail-received=notify-send line in my aerc.conf. However, it always works as previously: notifications display only for current displayed account. Notification arrives when I switch to the concerned account with Ctrl+N
Patch is applied correctly because notification message is ok with account and folder name.
sorry, something is missing to correct the problem.
Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Do you need a temporary mailbox on a dovecot IMAP server to do some test ? Let me know by email : jp at f0x dot fr
Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
OK ~rjarry I see you got the problem !
It seems to break many things to get it working.
Maybe, the notification system should be moved to a completely different part of the code and manage its own list of knows messages (or last known ID). I don't know if it is possible ??
Many thanks to have had a look to it.
Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
I use Archlinux package (0.15.1). Should it work on this version ?
notifications work only on the currently displayed account.
And when I switch to another account tab (Ctrl+N), I get a notification for this account if there are unread mails. (check-mail = 10m is set for all my accounts)
Comment by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Some servers limit the number of active connections.
my mailboxes are on different servers ;-)
Ticket created by ~jpfox on ~rjarry/aerc
Hi, thanks for this awesome software.
I encounter a trouble.
I've enabled a trigger for new mail :new-email=exec notify-send "New email from %n" "%s"
activated a duration between check in all my accounts :
check-mail = 10m
aerc works fine and notifies me for new mail, but only for the current displayed account tab.
All my accounts are standard imaps mailboxes (dovecot server).
Is there a way to force it to check and notify incoming emails of all mailboxes ?