
#3 Cannot get MIDI working 7 months ago

Ticket created by ~juanmeleiro on ~rabbits/orca

I'm trying to make sound using orca and fluidsynth, but I simply can't get orca to recognize the MIDI instrument (it doesn't show up in the menu). The narrow question is: how can I get orca to play nice with pipewire? The more general question, and frankly the one I'm interested in, is how can I get orca to play sounds (i.e., what is the recommended setup?).

I'm on Alpine Linux (musl). I use pipewire.


#4 Support for Unicode 1 year, 20 days ago

Comment by ~juanmeleiro on ~rabbits/uxn

Thanks for answering!

I definetly want to get into Uxn programming, and this seems like a good start. However, to any onlookers: this will not happen in the near future. So I encourage anyone to try their hands at this.

As to the implementation details, I'll just mention that supporting UTF-32 (or UTF-16 for that first part of Unicode) seems the easiest alternative. That would be coupled with another tool to convert UTF-8 (or whatever encoding one thinks fit) to it.

A pertinent project to mention is Unifont, which covers at least the Basic Multilingual Plane. Their fonts are also bitmaps, as far as I understand. In Uxn, one would probably want to select (perhaps automatically) only the sections of a font pertinent to a document (so there's some work in that indexing scheme).

#4 Support for Unicode 1 year, 23 days ago

Ticket created by ~juanmeleiro on ~rabbits/uxn

Text-handling applications should support unicode characters.

This is challenging, I know, and will probably take a long time, but I think it must be introduced.

Just a few weeks ago I couldn't correctly spell several words in a slideshow I made for a conference. Portuguese (and the languages the referenced authors' names came from) just need characters outside ASCII.

Some questions to be answered:

  1. Which encodings should be supported?
  2. How would glyphs for different ranges be stored and fetched?