When launching greetd from kmscon, starts on getty

When startting greetd from a kmscon virtual console (instead of getty), it launches getty anyway before starting greetd.

I want to launch greetd with kmscon instead, there is some way to prevent greetd from starting getty? Thank you.

More info: kmscon is a modern replacement for getty that supports HiDPI fonts: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KMSCON#Installation

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~kennylevinsen 2 years ago

When startting greetd from a kmscon virtual console (instead of getty), it launches getty anyway before starting greetd.

I want to launch greetd with kmscon instead, there is some way to prevent greetd from starting getty? Thank you.

There's a few things wrong here. First of all, I suspect you are confusing fbcon and getty. fbcon is the kernel console to which kmscon is a user-space replacement, while getty just configures TTYs (needed for serial consoles) and launches /bin/login on them. Unless disabled at compiletime, fbcon is always there but its rendition can be disabled at runtime by whatever manages your VTs (logind, seatd, applications with tty access).

Second, greetd does not start getty/fbcon. It changes VT, resets its mode and launches what is in your config, nothing else.

Third, kmscon doesn't work like fbcon. Like a display server, kmscon cannot coexist with anything on its terminal, and must go away to make room for another display server (a wayland compositor or X11 server). Like a GUI terminal emulator, if you want to run something in it, you should start it with that as an argument. What you should do is to treat kmscon just like cage or sway in the examples (https://man.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/greetd/#setting-up-greetd-with-gtkgreet), making greetd start kmscon with tuigreet as argument.

Your greetd default_session command should be configured something like the following:

command = "kmscon -- tuigreet"
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