Remove harrynfr.xyz

As much as I enjoyed being a part of the club, and as much as I respect what you stand for in terms of website clutter & weight, my website is now 40 megabytes.

In a sense, this is an admission of guilt. I no longer meet the requirements for this club anymore.

Assigned to
2 months ago
11 days ago
No labels applied.

~koehr 2 months ago*

Hello there, thank you for your honest message. I checked your page and it looks very much like it is possible to get back below 256kB with some minor changes. The majority of load comes from the album covers (~2.25MB), which are shown tiny but loaded in full size. Also every media player preloads around 55kB to 65kB of meta data from your flac files (~360kB), which really don't need to be preloaded. This already sums up to 2.6 of the total 2.75MB. Also using OGG instead of FLAC would save you tons of bandwidth here as well. There is really no need to use this format for 20 second long song previews.

My suggestions should be obvious, but here a list for clarity's sake:

  • convert the album covers to 100x100 pixel jpgs with medium quality settings (70 or so)
  • set preload="none" on all the audio elements to avoid additional data loading.

Also, you can improve accessibility by using figure and figcaption around your audio tags. For example:

    <div class="title">Body Snatchers</div>
    <div class="artist">Radiohead</div>
  <audio controls preload="none" src="/path/to/audio.ogg"></audio>
  <a href="/path/to/audio.ogg">Download Song Sample</a>

~koehr REPORTED CLOSED 11 days ago

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