
#40 add option to exclude certain filetypes 1 year, 7 months ago

Comment by ~lnk3 on ~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim

Maybe this issue could be useful to someone else. Here is my Lazy.nvim spec for this plugin, I solved the problem in Lazy like the author suggested: by using a FileType autocmd

-- Disable the plugin in Lazy.nvim
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
    pattern = "lazy",
    callback = function()
        local previous = not require("lsp_lines").toggle()
        if not previous then require("lsp_lines").toggle() end

return {
    event = "LspAttach",
    config = function()

        require("lsp_lines").toggle() -- Comment to disable on startup
        local previously = not require("lsp_lines").toggle()

        local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspLinesToggleInsert", { clear = false })
        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertEnter", {
            group = group,
            callback = function()
                previously = not require("lsp_lines").toggle()
                if not previously then

        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertLeave", {
            group = group,
            callback = function()
                if require("lsp_lines").toggle() ~= previously then

#40 add option to exclude certain filetypes 1 year, 7 months ago

Comment by ~lnk3 on ~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim

Hi, I appreciate your quick response!

I considered registering a simple autocmd to exclude Lazy.nvim, but I thought it might be beneficial for others if the plugin could handle it internally.

I will maybe file an issue or pr to Lazy.nvim about the misalignment.

I wasn't aware of git patches before (although I vaguely remember hearing about them, it rings a bell in my memory), thank you for taking the time to introduce me to them, pretty cool!

PS: I followed the readme and the duplication doesn't bother me in other buffers :) I have a keymap to quickly toggle it if it becomes too polluting and autocmds to disable it in insert mode, I like this plugin a lot it makes diagnostics very clear to read

#40 add option to exclude certain filetypes 1 year, 7 months ago

Ticket created by ~lnk3 on ~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim

In certain buffers (for example in Lazy.nvim https://imgur.com/a/SfUhhb8) it displays lsp_lines.

I don't know if it is a bug related to the extmarks, but I think a simple fix would be to just disable the plugin on certain filetypes.

I am new to sourcehut if I can I will try to make a pr (maybe they are called patches on here, I will look into it)

Thanks for the awesome plugin