ao3 story previews

When a user posts a link to a work or chapter on ao3, render a reasonable amount of its metadata in an embed.

Use the ao3_api library to fetch the work or chapter's metadata.

Message embed requirements:

  • Description: Take the summary and trim it to the first line break, and truncate it further if necessary to fit the embed description's character limit.
  • Details field: Include the work ID, archive warnings, category, fandom, relationships (not characters), and series link. This field ought to be inline.
  • Stats field: Include the word count, number of chapters (if this is a work), comment count, kudos, bookmarks and hits.
  • Tags field: Include the additional tags only, each separated by a line break. Do not link each tag. Look up each tag at the /tag/<tag_name> endpoint, and search the page for the string "It's a common tag" - if there's a match, include the tag. The library does not support this.
  • All fields ought to be inline.
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2 years ago
2 years ago
feature/enhancement previews