The Netherlands
I do computer stuff
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Should be fixed now in the latest git version.
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Oh that's an interesting change in KiCad 8 then, there you get the reference "REF#" set if you add footprints in the board editor.
The reference is not actually used except to add a comment in the final generated OpenSCAD file to know which function call is for which hole. I think it's easier to just set it to
if there's no reference defined through KiCad in this case.I've pushed a fix for this to git.
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
I've pushed version 1.4.2 now which should fix this.
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Certainly the Dsub connector, I have a rather lazy way of loading the mountingholes now which is checking if the footprint name contains "MountingHole".
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Hmm interesting. It looks like there's a mountinghole footprint on the board that does not have any circle graphics to grab the measurements of. Can you write down which footprint it is so I can add it to the tests?
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Ah yes, the parts submodule was not listed in, I've pushed the 1.4.1 release now to fix it.
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/turbocase
Looks like it's an issue with parsing a connector footprint. Currently it grabs the graphics on the F.Fab layer to do that and the footprint you added the height to might not have anything on that layer.
Can you copy and paste that footprint into the issue here for reference? The footprint parser can probably be improved.
Comment by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/logbookd
I've added a testcase for this now and the fix will be in the next release
RESOLVED FIXED~martijnbraam assigned ~martijnbraam to #5 on ~martijnbraam/logbookd
Ticket created by ~martijnbraam on ~martijnbraam/logbookd