Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/sr.ht
I believe this is the same issue as https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36287277/svg-oversized-on-load, and the circle icon in core.sr.ht/tree/master/item/srht/templates/nav.html should be wrapped in a container with a set width and height.
This occurs on both sourcehut.org and sr.ht, and may require simulating a slow connection to see.
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/builds.sr.ht
Due to the search being below a jobs length check. If length is 0, search bar is no longer rendered and you can't search unless you reload the page.
Relevant code: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/builds.sr.ht/tree/master/buildsrht/templates/jobs.html#L23
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/paste.sr.ht
Im unable to open the menu to copy / paste / etc on iOS. Is the paste box a contenteditable or some other non standard text box?
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/man.sr.ht
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/git.sr.ht
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/git.sr.ht
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/todo.sr.ht
Would be nice if they showed the number of closed/open tickets.
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/todo.sr.ht
Right now, the "It's a bit quiet in here" kind of blends in with the ticket information column.
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/lists.sr.ht
It should be visible somewhere else.
Ticket created by ~maxleiter on ~sircmpwn/git.sr.ht