Unfortunately, it seems that the attachment didn't make it's way to the issue. Could you upload it somewhere or email it to me personally?
Thanks for reporting this. You're right that unions are allowed to contain structs with FAMs, I had misinterpreted the standard text.
It says
such a structure (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a member that is such a structure) shall not be a member of a structure or an element of an array
So while you can't have a struct containing a struct with a FAM, a union containing a struct with a FAM is fine. This should be fixed in a2ddee1be6.
RESOLVED FIXEDNihal Jere referenced this ticket in commit 4f206ac.
Nihal Jere referenced this ticket in commit 4f206ac.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDAdded #88 to track the VLA loop issue. For now, we will just ignore it to unblock VLA support.